Mukhtaran Mai.
From Daily Times:"I’ve done nothing wrong. If Pakistan has become notorious because of the way women are treated, then that’s not my fault, go and ask the men why that is," Mukhtar said.
Mr. President, listen to this woman who's suffered for years now and is still suffering at the hands of your government and more importantly, on YOUR orders. Fix the system, then worry about whether Pakistan will get a bad name abroad if Mukhtaran Mai leaves the country. Being the expert that you are on 'enlightened moderation', moderate the Pakistani man's libido.
Its funny how everyone's jumped on the Mai bandwagon, forgetting and forsaking those who went through similiar oppression during the times when Pakistan was a "democratic" country, i.e the tenure's of messrs nawaz and bhutto.
However, it is the goverment's own fault, because the case could be a blessing in disguise. Aside from providing 'justice' to her, it could've been a sweet PR exercise.
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