Friday, July 08, 2005

I went to the PM Secretariat a few days ago. And all I could think of while I was there was - this is our fcuking money that you blew on this monstrosity that you call 'an office'. Spend away, may it come back to haunt you when you're alone in your gold plated tomb stones.


At 12:04 AM, Blogger sreedhar said...

Our president(India) costs us 86 crores per annum. :(
Guess, some things cannot be determined by public.
What about salaries in private organisations? Are they to be determined by public opinion? Say a TV company pays it's executives very high salaries. And it collects all that money from companies advertising on their channel.
The companies inturn increase the price of products to make up for these expenses. Say the products become unaffordable for few with this sequence of events, is anybody to be blamed?
Not defending your prime minister or our president. We just happen to live in not so aware and not so demanding
societies. :(

At 12:28 AM, Blogger Asfandyar said...

now now, don't be so harsh. mr pm has done very well for our country's finances. and besides, such idiosyncracies are inherent everywhere...even amongst the biggest philanthropists of our times.

again, not defending him; but cut him some slack. Maybe we should drive alto's instead of corolla's and give the remaining to the poor no? :\

At 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Living outside Pakistan, I think our PM should have an elegant looking office to show, if not the country!


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